Current members

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Jihwan Moon

Assistant Professor
E-mail: anschino [at] staff [dot] hanbat [dot] ac [dot] kr
Curriculum Vitae
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MD Sakil Hasan

Master student
E-mail: sakilhasanpau [at] gmail [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae
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Refat Khan

Master student
E-mail: refatkhanuits [at] gmail [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae
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Juchan Kim

Undergraduate Researcher
E-mail: jckim229 [at] gmail [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae
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YeHyun Jo

Undergraduate Researcher
E-mail: gkfh567 [at] naver [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae
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SuAn Lee

Undergraduate Researcher
E-mail: 20231022 [at] edu [dot] hanbat [dot] ac [dot] kr
Curriculum Vitae

Past members

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Gyubin Kim

Undergraduate Researcher
E-mail: kgr271329 [at] gmail [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae
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Suji Lee

Undergraduate Researcher
E-mail: suji20 [at] chosun [dot] kr
Curriculum Vitae
The alt text for the image

Min Seok Kim

Undergraduate Researcher
E-mail: wntkdnj1 [at] naver [dot] com
Curriculum Vitae