Cognitive Communications Systems Laboratory


6G and beyond

Ultra reliability, low latency, high throughput

Self-organizing networks

Adaptive resource allocations, energy efficiency, energy harvesting

Wireless security

Information protection, legitimate surveillance, covert communications


Currently available positions:

  • Postdoctoral researcher positions
  • Master student positions

We are looking for a member with inquiring spirits and a certain level of experience in

  • Linear algebra
  • Optimization
  • Machine learning

About us

Cognitive Communications Systems Laboratory (CCSL) delves into the state-of-the-art communications systems that are designed by perception, learning, and adaptive approaches.

Our members specifically pursue the application of cognitive approaches to enhance the performance for a variety of 6G communications systems, design “green” networks such as energy efficient and wireless powered communications, protect transmissions of classified information, and automate complex resource optimization tasks.

The research themes including but not limited to:

  • 6G communications systems
  • Energy efficient transmissions
  • Wireless powered communications
  • Physical layer security
  • Adaptive resource allocation strategies

Latest Posts

The outstanding paper award (2024 RSCC of KIEES)

We have received the outstanding paper award for the following paper:

Md Sakil Hasan and Jihwan Moon,
“Optimal Relay Mode Selection for Two-Hop Covert Communications,”
2024 Radio Science and Communications Conference (RSCC) of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES), 25 Oct. 2024.

Master of Engineering (Md Sakil Hasan, Refat Khan)

Congratulations to Md Sakil Hasan and Refat Khan for receiving master’s degrees!

The best runner-up paper award (2024 ICUFN)

We have received the best paper runner-up award for the following paper:

Jihwan Moon and Hoon Lee,
“Energy Efficiency Maximization for Multi-LEO Satellite Networks,”
2024 The 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Budapest, Hungary, 2 - 5 Jul. 2024.